Midlothian nurse-run CTACS services are based within the GP practice at the following sites:
- Penicuik Health Centre (Imrie Place)
- Eastfield Medical Centre (Penicuik)
- Roslin Health Centre
- Loanhead Medical Centre
- Danderhall Medical Centre
- Bonnyrigg (Strathesk,Dalhousie,Quarryfoot) Health Centre
- Dalkeith Health Centre
- Pathhead Medical Centre
- Newbattle Medical Centre (Mayfield)
- Gorebridge Health Centre
Patients can access these services by contacting their GP practice. For any queries, please contact the administration answer machine: 01314541075. It is checked between 08:00-12.30, Mon-Fri
Vaccinations – please see the main Vaccines Services page for more information.
C.M. & N. McT12-12-24
Who can refer:
All referrals are made by the GP team and patients should contact the practice in the usual way.
Who to refer:
Patients can be referred for the following:
- Ear irrigation – please see the ear wax patient information leaflet
- Catheter care
- Phlebotomy (bloods) requested by the GP
- Removal of sutures/staples after operations or injuries
- Wound care – including management of leg ulcers or wounds after surgery or injury
- Injections
- Dopplers
- Blood pressure check/chronic disease data collection
- Tetanus vaccines with a prescription (please see below for other vaccinations).
Who not to refer:
Anyone requiring services not listed above.
Vaccinations: These are delivered by the vaccination team: Loth.midlothianvaccines@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk.
Please also see the Vaccine Services – RefHelp
Those requiring secondary care phlebotomy not covered by specific agreement – please see the main Lothian CTACS page for details of the current service.
How to refer:
GP practice staff can book an appointment with the CTAC nurse, or directly through their GP clinical IT system.