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MSK Physiotherapy for people with ankle and foot problems can be provided by either physiotherapy or podiatry services

M.A & P.A 15-09-23

Who to refer:

People with foot and ankle problems who have not responded to initial primary care management, do not have the presence of significant red flags or other exclusion criteria, see below. Examples include ankle sprains, ankle instabilities, mild osteoarthritis (ankle, subtalar, midfoot), tendinopathies- Achilles, peroneal, tibilias posterior, plantar fasciitis.

How to refer:

Refer via SCI Gateway Referral “AHP-Physiotherapy” then choose local site.

Please provide as much detail as possible to help the triage process.

Signpost patient to:   https://services.nhslothian.scot/IntegratedOrthopaedicFootAndAnkleService/Pages/default.aspx