
Edinburgh Alcohol & Drugs Services

These are organised by the Edinburgh Alcohol and Drug Partnership opens a new window whose website gives information on available services.

Recovery Hubs

The locality recovery hubs opens a new window are the first point of call for those with drug or alcohol problems, needing additional help, and patients can self-refer.

There are 5 locality Recovery Hubs in Edinburgh, each a one – stop shop for treatment and support. Please see the links below for more detail:

North East Recovery Hub in Leith opens a new window

North East Recovery Hub drop at Craigmillar opens a new window

North West Recovery Hub opens a new window

South West Recovery Hub opens a new window

South East Recovery Hub (Gilmerton) opens a new window

The Edinburgh A&DP has developed an Addiction Recovery Companion app (free to download from ARC2.0 Edinburgh opens a new window). It contains details of services, lists of Mutual Aid and other meetings, a diary, a calendar and relaxation approaches.

For advice please telephone:

  • North East 0131 5547516
  • North West 0131 3152121
  • South East 0131 537 8302 or 0131 661 5294 (CGL)
  • South West 0131 4539448 (NHS) or 0131 453 9406 (CGL).

The Young People Substance Misuse Services (YPSUS).

This is a partnership of Edinburgh agencies working with young people (up to the age of 21) who use drugs (including alcohol). They provide advice, information, one-to-one support and medical treatment when indicated.

For more detail please see: https://www.edinburghadp.co.uk/information-advice-support/help-and-support-for-young-people/ opens a new window