The best way to access a minor injury assessment is for a patient to dial 111 to get a scheduled appointment.
GPs can make an appointment for a patient by calling the Flow Centre
Depending on the nature of the minor injury they will be allocated a video call or face to face appointment if they require further assessment or treatment.
This service can help adults and children aged 18 months and over who have had a recent minor, within the last seven days, injury including:
- strains and sprains
- wounds and minor burns
- minor bumps to head and face
- simple eye injuries
- insect bites and stings
This service is for TRAMAUTIC injuries only that have occurred within the last 7 days. Patients with atraumatic pain should not be referred. The Minor Injury units work within strict IRMER guidelines. The staff will only xray patients where their examination necessitates this.
If they are given an appointment for a video consultation they will be sent a link to open at the time of their appointment which connects them to a member of the healthcare team. To work they will need a reliable internet connection and a smartphone, tablet or computer with a webcam. If they do not have video technology, but need to be seen, they will be given an appointment at a minor injuries service.
A Nurse Practitioner will assess their injury and provide advice and treatment within a matter of minutes.
If they require a face-to-face appointment at a minor injuries service they will be given a convenient appointment time to save them waiting when they attend.
The minor injury units are open seven days a week every day of the year at the sites listed below. Please note that if patients arrive without arranging an appointment via 111 they may be asked to come back later.
RHCYP – under 16s
RIE – 16 and over (08.00 – 23.30 with the last appointment slot at 20.00)
WGH – 12 and over (08.30 -20.30 with the last appointment slot at 20.00)
SJH – all ages (08.30 -22.00 with the last appointment slot at 21.30)
Who to refer:
- strains, sprains and suspected broken bones
- wounds and minor burn
- minor bumps to head and face
- simple eye injuries
- insect bites and stings
Who not to refer:
- anyone with an injury older than 7 days
- anyone with a problem not listed above