This Service is for Edinburgh residents ONLY

Who can refer:
- We accept referrals from acute “front door” sites (A&E and AMU at RIE, and MAU at WGH), and LUCS out of hours GPs. Our aim is to reduce the need for admission/facilitate an early return home at the weekend.
- As capacity allows, we will also aim to see people referred Monday to Friday via Discharge to Assess who may benefit from a weekend assessment.
How to refer:
- Friday prior to 1pm, via the normal weekday routes (D2A and Flow centre). Urgent Therapy and Social Care – RefHelp (
- Saturday/Sunday: Therapists working in A&E, AMU, MAU and LUCS GPs can phone the Flow centre on 0300 013 4000, (Options 1 then 4) between 8:30am and 2pm. Any referrals received before 12pm aiming for a same day visit (capacity dependent).
If no capacity on Sunday, or someone able to wait until Monday, please follow the normal referral routes as requests cannot be transferred across from the weekend at present.
On Public Holidays, the arrangements will be the same as for Saturday/Sunday.
All referrals must go via the Flow Centre. If advice required, the prof to prof mobile number for the weekend therapy service is 07821 301 974.