This page was last reviewed 12-01-22
Adult Community Learning Disability Team
Bases across Lothian:-
North East Leith Community Treatment Centre, Junction Place, Edinburgh EH6 5JQ
North West North West Locality Office 8 West Pilton Garden Edinburgh EH4 4DP
South East Gracemount Medical Centre, 24 Gracemount Drive, Edinburgh EH16 6RN
South West Westerhailes Healthy Living Centre, 30 Harvesters Way Edinburgh EH14 3JF
West Lothian Torridon House, Almondvale Boulevard, Livingstone, West Lothian, EH54 6QY
Midlothian Bonnyrigg Health Centre, Quarry Head, 109-111 High Street, Bonnyrigg EH19 2ET
East Lothian Dunpender, Herdmanflat Hospital, Aberlady Road, Haddington EH41 3BU
Who to refer:
Referrals are accepted from any source, for people who meet the following criteria:
People with learning disabilities have a significant, lifelong, condition that started before adulthood, which affected their development and which means they need help to:
• understand information;
• learn skills;
• cope independently
as defined in the ‘the Keys to life’ (Scottish Government, 2013).
In practical terms this means having an IQ assessed as being below 70.
Why Refer:
Due to the person’s learning disability, they require additional input from the Community Learning Disability Team to address their health needs. Assessment and treatment of:
- Mental health issues
- Sexual health issues
- Physical health issues
- Behavioural issues
- Mobility
- Eating, drinking, swallowing
- Nutrition e.g. selective eating, significant weight loss
- Communication
- Activities of daily living
- Support for parents with a learning disability
- Epilepsy
This list is not exhaustive. If in doubt about the appropriateness of a referral, the team will be happy to provide guidance.
How to refer:
Referral for GPs is via SCI Gateway although we accept letter or referral form.
There is not one address or telephone number as the service covers 7 teams across Lothian (See above)
It is important to explain clearly
- the issue that has led to the referral
- why you think we are the correct service to address this.
- detail if there are any Child Protection concerns.
This will enable us to assess the level of urgency of the referral.
The link below to the intranet pages provides the up to date contact details
What Happens:
Once the referral has been received, we discuss it at our fortnightly multidisciplinary team meeting.
The outcome of this discussion will be fed-back to the referrer.
Social Care Direct Advice or self referral in Edinburgh through Social Care Direct service. Help due to illness, frailty, disability or concerns about safety of an adult or child at risk of harm
Dyslexia Scotland Assessment information here