
Erectile Dysfunction – Non Urological

This page was last reviewed 13-05-20

Erectile Dysfunction – Non Urological

Erectile Dysfunction Severe Distress Assessment

The Scottish Government has recently changed the prescribing regulations in relation to the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) for patients with severe distress.  Following assessment and/or advice by the relevant consultant, all patients eligible for treatment will be able to receive treatment on NHS prescription from their GP; the prescription must be endorsed ‘SLS’.

The Lothian assessment process

In Lothian, a service has been set up which is designed to assess a patient’s eligibility for NHS ED treatment on the grounds of severe distress. 

It is not necessary for this specialist assessment to be face to face and it may be based on information provided by the referring clinician.

A referral pro-forma ED severe distress referral form.doc opens a new window has been produced that can be completed for such patients and send to the ED service secure email address.  EDclinic@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk opens a new window

You must be able to answer YES to all of the questions in the pro-forma for the patient to be entitled to NHS treatment on the grounds of severe distress.

If the necessary criteria are met a reply will be sent authorising the issue of ongoing NHS prescriptions on the grounds of severe distress.  These may be for 5- phosphodiesterase inhibitors, such as Sildenafil, Tadalafil, or other treatments you feel are clinically indicated – please see the Lothian Joint Formulary for more detail.

This service is solely designed to assess a patient’s eligibility for NHS treatment on the grounds of severe distress.

For complex cases or where previous treatment has failed, referrals may also be made to Urology using the Erectile Dysfunction protocol opens a new window or to the Sexual Problems clinic at Chalmers Sexual Health Centre opens a new window (for primarily psychogenic ED)


1.   Treatment of erectile dysfunction: patients with severe distress. NHS Circular PCA(M)(2011)4. 9 February 2011. The Scottish Government. http://www.sehd.scot.nhs.uk/pca/PCA2011(M)04.pdf opens a new window