
COVID 19 Self Referral (Silvercloud)

COVID 19 Self Referral (Silvercloud)

Challenging Times (Covid-19 for 2020) – psychoeducational (not cCBT)

This option was introduced in 2020 and is a psychoeducation module, outlining some approaches to help with anxiety or low mood associated with the pandemic. It is a one-hour interactive session and patients can self-refer to it. Of itself it may not bring long-term clinical benefit but should be useful for those who need limited input and not the full cCBT programme. This might include those with some emotional difficulties relating to Covid-19 which are likely to be brief-lived.

However, although it signposts to the cCBT options it does NOT teach that approach. cCBT is a valuable tool, and if the patient is likely to have more persistent problems then better to use the cCBT options, with the Covid-19 module running alongside. Considering cCBT as a FIRST OPTION is generally advised: the evidence is that completing even part of the cCBT programme brings benefits, although finishing it obviously more, and patients receive encouragement to do that.

Encouraging the full cCBT approach is therefore useful, and patients can self-refer to the Covid-19 module at any point. Using the Covid-19 module alone may result in patients who need more help not accessing cCBT options or having those referrals delayed.

The Covid-19 programme will help patients to manage their mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • Explore ways to cope with unpleasant emotions that are common during challenging times
  • Empower themselves with practical tools and strategies to help them draw on their resources
  • Find helpful ways to adjust to their new reality and deal with feelings of loss.

The Covid-19 module is available:

  • As an option in the Silvercloud LTCs cCBT programme – see here – this is ‘supported’ by the cCBT team in terms of monitoring and prompts
  • If the GP refers for the Covid-19 then this support is still available.
  • As a self-referral stand-alone programme – without additional support from the team – please see Wellbeing Self-Referral Options – Patient Information.pdf. The website link for self-referral is COVID-19

Self-Referral Requirements.

A reading age of 10 to 11 years is needed to complete cCBT programmes; much of the material is audio and video based for those who have lower levels of literacy.

Home User Technical Requirements

Patients completing the programme require:

  • An internet enabled device (PC/Laptop, smartphone or tablet)
  • A stable internet connection.