
Custom Design Service


The Custom Design Service (CDS) provides custom designed or modified rehabilitation equipment where standard or commercially available equipment is not available.

Our objective is to assist people with a long term (not less than 6 months) physical impairment which impacts on their functional ability in meeting their rehabilitation aims, and hence we can provide equipment for use in the home, workplace or to facilitate established leisure interests. We are, however, mainly involved with the following categories of equipment.

  • aids for daily living, e.g. equipment for eating, drinking and personal care
  • mobility aids, e.g. walkers
  • therapeutic equipment, e.g. positioning systems, modifications to static seating.

Where possible, the service will adapt or modify existing equipment, but we can also design and manufacture custom devices when no alternative exists. We regret, however, that we are unable to manufacture devices which are already commercially available, or supply the equipment to be modified.

We accept referrals from Allied Health Professionals, especially Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Orthotists and Prosthetists, and work closely with the referrer throughout the development process. Referrals to the service have four main stages: referral management, assessment, device provision, and repair.

The CDS is based at the Southeast Scotland Mobility and Rehabilitation Technology (SMART) Centre at the Astley Ainslie Hospital in Edinburgh, and home visits can also be arranged if required.

Further information is available on the SMART Services website at https://www.smart.scot.nhs.uk/service/custom-design/.

M.A & M.D 26-06-24

The service eligibility criteria can be found on the CDS webpage at


Who can refer:

For potential users who have not used our service before, a referral needs to be submitted from an Allied Health Professional, e.g. Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Orthotist or Prosthetist involved in the their care, or who are knowledgeable about their goals for using rehabilitation equipment. We work closely with the referrer throughout the development process.

Established users of the service can contact the service directly although it is often preferable to do so via a health professional (such as a community therapist) when there is a change to their condition or needs and an assessment is required.

Who to refer:

Service users for whom commercially available equipment does not meet the rehabilitation aims.

Who not to refer:

Service users whose rehabilitation aims can be met by commercially available equipment.

How to refer:

See CDS webpage for referral information, for eligibility criteria and an up to date referral form.

Existing service users can self-refer by calling 0131 537 9177 or using the online repair/review request form on the CDS webpage.

SMART Services – Custom Design Service webpage

