
Community Heart Failure Nurse Service


This service offers

  • telephone or email advice for Primary Care clinicians managing all types of heart failure patients with a known or previous diagnosis of heart failure. Please see contact details below.
  • support directly to patients with a diagnosis of heart failure with LVSD who have deteriorating symptoms. Referral to this arm of the service is via the hospital inpatient and hospital clinics only.

The patient support arm of the service aims to support and manage patients with decompensated heart failure due to Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVSD) following unscheduled hospital admission or after referral from cardiology clinics. This involves home visits and locality clinics.

The aims of the service are to optimise symptom control and establish patients onto heart failure evidence-based medications in line with SIGN guideline 147, provide advice on self-management of this condition, deliver education on heart failure and to provide palliative care support.

see the RefHelp secure page for telephone contact details

For Palliative care services for cardiac disease please follow the link Palliative care services

D.R.M & S.R/A.G.J 15-02-24