
About RefHelp

RefHelp is a local referral management website providing up-to-date guidance to support NHS Lothian referrers with their referrals to Secondary Care and Specialist services. It reflects a consensus between local clinicians at the interface and seeks to build relationships and understanding across Primary and Secondary Care. The guidance provided is designed to be readily accessible and to help referrers – GPs, Secondary Care Clinicians, Dentists, Optometrists, Practice Nurses, ANPs, third sector e.t.c. – make the best possible referrals in Lothian.


RefHelp is the original referrals website in Scotland and was created more than 25 years ago by a single GP with the aim of providing their colleagues with accurate information on referral pathways into secondary care in NHS Lothian.

In April 2015, a project proposal was approved with the objective of creating authoritative guidance on local referral pathways in order to provide optimal patient care. The guidance took into account the clinical evidence base, but also reflected locally agreed ways of working by both Primary and Secondary Care.

The project also addressed the aesthetics and navigation issues with the previous RefHelp to create a more user-friendly resource and ultimately replace an older website which had become unstable due to its outdated software. It also meant that the website could be accessed on a range of devices. The project was supported by a managerial, administrative and data analyst team within the Outpatient & Associated Services (OAS) team, along with GP Referrals Advisors. The project was completed on 31st March 2019 when the old RefHelp website was switched off.

The transfer of RefHelp to the new platform (Microsoft SharePoint 2013) was complex and time consuming but resulted in a robust and stable referral management tool which has received national recognition. Multiple health boards from across the UK have approached the team for support and guidance in seeking to replicate the concept in their area. These boards include Glasgow, Tayside, Borders, Grampian and Liverpool. RefHelp has also generated interest from services and specialties across NHS Lothian who had not previously been represented on the website and who now see the benefit of having easily accessible and up to date information available to referrers across Primary and Secondary Care in order to support good referral management.


In October 2022 RefHelp migrated to another new platform –WordPress. There is now an annual planned cycle of work in place to review and update the content of RefHelp. RefTalks, our popular educational webinars, were launched in 2021 and now run regularly.  Future developments are planned to ensure RefHelp remains a dynamic and relevant resource. 

RefHelp Video

RefHelp Flyer

RefHelp Website Walkthrough