
Mental Health (Adult)

Mental health services are complex, with each of Lothian’s four Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) developing its own approaches.

This mental health page outlines the referral management of mental health conditions and gives details of psychiatry and emergency services.

It also has a LOCALITY SECTION summarising the mental health services in each HSCP (Edinburgh, East, Mid- and West Lothian).

There is a separate Mental Health page for Psychology and Psychosocial Interventions – including CBT, psychotherapy, details of the Psychological Therapies Service, other psychological approaches (Guided Self Help, Positive Mental Health), counselling, exercise and book prescribing and so on. It also includes details of services for specific groups eg hearing impaired.

Below are summary lists to the  Mental  Health services/resources/useful links  particular to each Region Copied Directly from Old RefHelp so Links no longer work –  awaiting update from services

Edinburgh MH Adult Services v3 10-10-19.pdf opens a new window  Summary of Services Draft Feb2019   Patient mental health resources EDINBURGH April 2019.pdf opens a new window

East Lothian Mental Health Summary opens a new window

Mid Lothian Mental Health  Summary opens a new window

West Lothian Mental Health Summary opens a new window

C.M & I.P & A.B 08-03-24