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M.A & P.A. 15-09-23

Who to refer:

Patients who require a walking aid assessment to aid their mobility due to a MSK complaint. They must be able to attend a clinic for an Outpatient appointment.

How to refer:

Refer via SCI Gateway Referral “AHP-Physiotherapy” then choose local site.

AHP-Physiotherapy West Lothian SJH LI physiotherapy-WL

AHP-Physiotherapy Edinburgh-Community MSK Hub( Slateford) LI Physiotherapy

AHP Physiotherapy Mid Lothian – Bonnyrigg Health Centre – LI Physiotherapy

AHP Physiotherapy Edinburgh- Western General Hospital – LI Physiotherapy

AHP Physiotherapy East Lothian- East Lothian Community Hospital – LI Physiotherapy

Please provide as much clinical information as possible to help the triage process

 SCI referral as per main page

Signpost patient to:

Preventing falls | NHS inform

Intranet walking aid leaflets http://intranet.lothian.scot.nhs.uk/Directory/physiotherapy/PatientInfoLeafletNetwork/Pages/WalkingAids.aspx

Falls in older people NICE guidelines


Other referral options to consider:

For Edinburgh –Steady Steps at Edinburgh Leisure https://www.edinburghleisure.co.uk/activities/active-communities/steady-steps

Falls prevention team

OPRA (Older people’s assessment and rehabilitation) – LCTC – MDT clinic Assessment and Rehabilitation Centre at RVB, WG