
Weight Management Service Adult

Information Section

We provide a specialist service which supports people in Lothian to lead a healthy lifestyle, manage their weight and improve their health. We also offer tailored support for those living with or at risk of Type 2 Diabetes – see refhelp pages listed below for further information

Please refer patients to the service via the referral routes below where our team of health care professionals will triage accordingly to what is best suited to the patients’ needs.

To find out more about the range of programmes we currently offer and other healthy lifestyle resources, please visit our website Adult Weight Management and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Service – NHS Lothian | Our Services

Bariatric Surgery

There is no direct referral into the bariatric surgical service. All patients who wish to be considered for bariatric surgery are required to successfully complete the Tier 3 weight management programme. Please state their interest in bariatric surgery at the time of referral if this is the case.

The weight management service will then refer patients to the surgical service as appropriate.

If a patient has had bariatric surgery privately or abroad, please refer to the following guidance Non NHS Patients (scot.nhs.uk) or contact the bariatric team on bariatric.service@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or 0131 242 1615.

Weight management for adults with a learning/intellectual disability

We run a service specifically for patients who meet below referral criteria and also have a diagnosed learning/intellectual disability. Learning disability being defined in the ‘Keys to Life’ (Scottish Government, 2013) as; a significant, lifelong condition that started before adulthood, which affected their development and which means they need help to understand information, learn skills and cope independently. In practical terms this means having an IQ assessed as being below 70.

If you are looking for information regarding our other service pathways, please find links to these RefHelp pages or website information, below:

  1. For Anti-Obesity Medications 

Anti-Obesity Medications (AOM) – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot)

  • Type 2 Diabetes Remission through Counterweight Plus

Diabetes Remission – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot)

  • Type 2 Diabetes Prevention (Let’s Prevent Diabetes)

Link to follow

  • Type 2 Diabetes Newly Diagnosed (DESMOND

Who to refer:

Patients that meet the following criteria:

  • Over 18 years old
  • BMI of 25 kg/mor above or
  • BMI of 23 kg/m2 or above (ethnic minorities)
  • Patients who are motivated and ready to make lifestyle changes

Who not to refer :

  • Patients who have a diagnosis of current eating disorder or potential binge eating disorder. Please see the Cullen Centre Refhelp page Eating Disorders (Adults) and Cullen Centre – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot) for further details.
    • Patients with uncontrolled hypothyroidismPatients suffering from psychosis or severe and unstable personality disorderPatients suffering from alcohol or drug dependencyPatients who are pregnant (If BMI over 40kg/m2 can be referred by midwives to Metabolic Antenatal Clinic)
    • Patients who have dementia

How to refer:

Referrals are accepted from all health care professionals via SCI-Gateway or email.

The team also accept self-referrals.

SCI Gateway referrals:

AHP – Dietetics – Weight Management – LI Type II Diabetes Remission (Sci-gateway pathway currently being amended but use this drop down at present)

Alternatively, health care professionals or patients can self-refer by completing this form https://services.nhslothian.scot/awmt2d/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2023/07/AdultWeightManagementService-Referral-Form.docx

And emailing this back to weight.management@nhs.scot

Contact details:

For general weight management, medication and Type 2 Diabetes remission enquiries contact weight.management@nhs.scot

for Lets Prevent Diabetes (LPD) enquires please contact : loth.lpd@nhs.scot

for DESMOND enquires please contact : loth.desmond@nhs.scot

Weight Management Service and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention service website

Adult Weight Management and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Service – NHS Lothian | Our Services

Links to The Association of UK Dietitions patient information leaflets containing information on dietary advice for various medical problems


NHS Inform 12 week online Weight Management Programme-link to follow

NHS Better Health patient information to aid weight loss and encourage healthy eating
