

Routine referral

We now offer direct access tonsillectomy for Borders and Lothians.  This allows patients to be directly listed for tonsillectomy and therefore avoids an outpatient consultation. In order to be listed directly, the patient must satisfy the following criteria, recommended by NICE:

For people with severe recurrent tonsillitis (a frequency of more than 7 episodes per year for one year, 5 per year for 2 years, or 3 per year for 3 years, and for whom there is no other explanation for the recurrent symptoms), referral to an ear, nose, and throat specialist is advised as this cohort may benefit from tonsillectomy

Scenario: Management | Management | Sore throat – acute | CKS | NICE.

If you wish to list the patient for tonsillectomy please give the patient a  Patient Information leaflet – Having a Tonsillectomy  and complete the pro forma via SCI Gateway (St John’s Hospital/Lauriston Buildings > ENT > Direct Access Tonsillectomy)

Following receipt of the completed pro forma, the patient’s name will be placed on the waiting list for tonsillectomy.  He/she will then be sent an appointment to attend our Pre-assessment Clinic 1-2 weeks before tonsillectomy.

If you are in any doubt or wish an ENT Surgeon to assess the patient in the Outpatient Clinic, please arrange a routine appointment.

Once a decision is made for tonsillectomy, this should be performed as soon as possible to maximise the period of benefit.
Tonsillectomy has an appreciable peri-operative morbidity, a complication rate of around 5% and the outcome is, as yet, undefined. Return to usual activity takes, on average, two weeks.

Criteria for Direct Access Tonsillectomy

Direct Access Tonsillectomy

  • Sore throats are due to tonsillitis (i.e., tonsils are erythematous, oedematous and may have exudates)
  • Episodes for at least one year
  • Episodes  are  disabling  and prevent normal function
  • Seven  or  more  well documented, clinically  significant  sore  throats  in  preceding  year    OR
  • Five or more episodes in  each  of  the  preceding  two  years   OR
  • Three  or  more  episodes  in  each  of  the  preceding  three  years
  • This patient has been given a tonsillectomy information leaflet
  • Six months watchful waiting has not resulted in significant improvement ( particularly  relevant  in  children  and  teenagers)