Post Traumatic Stress Disorder / Acute stress disorder
PTSD is linked with an extreme traumatic stress involving direct personal experience of an event that involves actual or threatened death or serious injury. The event is re-experienced in one or more of the following ways: flashbacks, nightmares related to the event, re-enactment through play, intense emotional arousal, numbness around memories and physical symptoms such as tummy aches and headaches.
It is important to know whether there are legal proceedings pending and to establish who wishes to know the severity of the symptoms (For example is someone asking for help or is the main concern a wish to support some legal case).
For information and advice contact/refer to CAMHS.Specialist services should be involved:
- Where the child’s development or level of functioning has been seriously affected or there has been a sudden deterioration
- Where it appears to be out of proportion to the family circumstances
- Where there is a significant impact on the parent / carer / child relationship-please describe in referral.
Where children and young people are currently experiencing trauma such as domestic violence a referral to other agencies such as Police, Social Work or local domestic abuse services are urgently required. Psychological intervention is unlikely to be possible where the child’s living situation continues to be insecure and traumatic.
Helpful websites:
West Lothian: The Mental Health and Mental Wellbeing Screening group offers a wide variety of support for children young people and their families. Please contact the Children and Young Peoples team on Tel. 01506 282948 or email