
Post Tonsillectomy Paeds

Tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy is one of the most common ENT procedures. These are usually carried out for recurrent tonsillitis meeting the SIGN guidelines or sleep disordered breathing (OSA).

Tonsillectomy is a very painful operation. The greatest post-operative challenge is to keep the children comfortable and able to eat and drink normally. Regular analgesia is key.

The post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage rate is around 3%. Bleeding can occur up to 2 weeks post-operatively.

At present most children stay in hospital overnight after the procedure.

Minor haemorrhage (blood tinged saliva, spotting on pillow) is thought to be very common and normal.

Post operatively the tonsillar bed turns yellow/white and sloughy. This is normal and not a sign of infection.

  • If history suggestive of major bleed or ongoing bleeding transfer to ED urgently.
  • If history suggestive of minor bleed can be observe
  • If history suggestive of major bleed or ongoing bleeding transfer to ED urgently
  • Assess oral cavity for bleeding
  • Basic resuscitation if necessary
  • If history suggestive of minor bleed (blood tinged saliva) can be observed