
Acute Meniscal Tear (Knee)


  • Young to middle age
  • Twisting injury
  • Kneeling/squatting injury
  • Joint line pain
  • Difficutly walking
  • True locking


  • Limp
  • Effusion
  • Possible painful block to extension

Joint line tenderness

image copyright NHS Lothian.

Unable to kneel, squat or Duck waddle

image copyright NHS Lothian.

User dependent specific test as part of assessment eg  McMurrays Test

image copyright NHS Lothian.

​Secondary care referral

  • Immediate if truly locked, patient unable to flex or extend knee
  • Routine if primary care treatment exhausted

​Primary care investigations

  • None indicated

Primary care treatment

  • Analgesia
  • PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
  • Physiotherapy