Lothian Adult Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) service for post/long Covid symptoms
SLT intervention contributes to improved outcomes for individuals with a range of speech, language, communication and swallowing needs associated with post-COVID illness. An outpatient service is currently being delivered across NHS Lothian which:
- provides holistic assessment to identify the specific needs of the patient and agree a personalised plan with them
- supports the rehabilitation and self-management of individuals with common post COVID-19 symptoms, including changes in voice (such as muscle tension dysphonia), swallowing, cognitive communication (‘brain fog’) and also upper airway issues such as persistent throat symptoms
- includes sign-posting to advice for other persisting post-Covid symptoms, and onward referral where relevant
- provides individual consultation face to face or via Near Me
For general enquiries please contact Sheena Borthwick, Service Lead – Adult Community and Rehabilitation Speech and Language Therapy, tel: 0131 537 9078 (49078) or email: sheena.borthwick@nhs.scot and SLT.EAC@nhs.scot
Who can refer:
Anyone can request Speech and Language Therapy including the individual concerned. In most cases a GP SCI Gateway referral is the most efficient way to do this.
Who to refer:
Confirmed diagnosis of Covid/long Covid is not required – referrals may be made for patients troubled by changes in any of the following areas which developed as a result of possible or presumed Covid infection:
Examples of changes described | |
*VOICE QUALITY | Altered quality and comfort of the voice, difficulty being heard, voice tiring by the end of the day, changes in pitch, voice difficulties impacting on ability to work |
THROAT DISCOMFORT | Altered quality and comfort of the throat |
SWALLOWING | Difficulties eating, drinking or swallowing such as coughing or choking, food sticking (not related to oesophageal dysfunction), avoiding specific foods or drink |
LARYNGEAL / AIRWAY SENSITIVITY | New symptoms such as throat sensitivity, troublesome cough or throat clearing; a feeling of tightness or a lump in the throat (globus) |
COGNITIVE COMMUNICATION | Changes in communication such as word-finding difficulties, losing the thread in conversation, ‘brain fog’, anxiety around communication, new difficulties with reading/writing, stammering or slurred speech |
Who not to refer:
*For voice referrals please note that laryngoscopy is not provided with this service. It is therefore essential to follow existing ENT referral guidelines Hoarseness – RefHelp for intermittent/persistent hoarseness in the first instance.
Where there are no red flags however it is possible to refer to ENT and SLT at the same time so that patients can receive SLT advice while waiting for ENT assessment.
How to refer:
As for all Adult SLT referrals, refer via SCI Gateway to the relevant area – AHP Speech and Language Therapy