LWSS is an Occupational Therapy-led service that specialises in vocational rehabilitation, offering free and confidential work focused healthcare support. It is a single point of access for anyone struggling with their health at work. We accept referrals for both mental and physical health conditions, and for any bio psycho social reason arising from a health condition.
There are 3 branches to our service:
Services | Who? | What we do? |
WHSS (Working Health Services Scotland) | For clients who are self-employed, or employed by a small business Can be absent or struggling to remain at work. | We can provide case management, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, mental health support, welfare and employment rights signposting |
NHS Lothian & HSCP Employee Service | For clients who work for either NHS Lothian or Health and Social Care Partnerships. Can be absent or struggling to remain at work | Provide a supportive vocational rehabilitation treatment pathway for employees struggling at work or off work with ill health, to reduce absence and prevent a situation of increasing absence |
Case Management | For anyone that doesn’t fit into the above criteria (e.g. works for a larger employer) Can be absent or struggling to remain at work | Provide a supportive vocational rehabilitation case management and signposting pathway for employees struggling at work or off work with ill health |
M.A & R.McP 07-08-24
How to refer:
Refer via SCI Gateway (AAH-Rehab-Vocational Rehabilitation) or clients can self refer on 0131 537 9579 or by emailing us at
Who to refer:
- Anyone struggling with their health at work
- Must be in employment
*referrer does not need to specify which service the referral is for, we will determine at point of receipt
First contact usually within 1 week.