
MSM Services

Gay, Bisexual, Trans and all Men who have Sex with Men (GBMSM) services

All Lothian Sexual and Reproductive Health services are LGBTQ+ inclusive and welcome gay, bisexual and all men who have sex with men. There are also a number of services specifically for GBMSM:

  • ROAM provides outreach (asymptomatic) STI testing, vaccinations, PrEP assessment and support, as well as a one-to-one service. For locations and times, see the website or the ROAM RefHelp page.
  • GB+ is a drop-in service for GBMSM held every Weds 4 – 6.30pm. At GB+, the service provides STI testing and treatment, PrEP assessment and sexual health support.
  • People living with HIV should be referred to the HIV Team at Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, or the Regional Infectious Diseases Unit (RIDU) at the Western General Hospital.

Routine sexual health care is undertaken by many GPs, but patients can phone the service or access the drop-in and may then be advised to go to one particular service rather than another, depending on the situation.