Platform Adaptive trial of NOvel antiviRals for eArly treatMent of covid-19 In the Community

Project Details
Start Date
March 2022
Closed to Recruitment
Principal Investigator
Dr Claire Mackintosh
Despite high uptake of vaccination against COVID-19, the disease remains prevalent in the UK and in many countries around the world, with many patients continuing to require hospital admission. COVID-19 causes considerable suffering, including loss of ability to perform activities of daily living, loss of educational and work opportunities, and inability to perform caring duties, with far reaching personal and societal consequences. Many go on to experience persisting and/or relapsing symptoms. People with underlying health conditions, un-vaccinated people, and those in whom the vaccine is not effective are at increased risk of more severe disease. New ‘vaccine escaping’ variants may yet emerge, and the impact of early antiviral treatment on long COVID syndromes is as yet unknown. Early treatment with antiviral agents may prevent progression to the later phase of COVID-19. Therefore, there is an need to identify treatments for COVID-19 for use in the community early on in the illness that prevent the need for hospital admission and improves time to recovery. Antiviral agents may reduce viral shedding, and use of antiviral agents may lead to the emergence of resistance to novel antiviral agents, but the impact of novel antiviral agents on shedding and resistance is not yet known.
Aims and Objectives
The primary aim is to determine the effectiveness of selected antiviral agents in preventing hospitalisation and/or death in higher-risk patients with a confirmed positive SARS-CoV-2 PCR test result.