Clinical Infection Research Group Edinburgh
A Central Hub for Clinical Infection Research in Lothian
Clinical Infection Research Group Edinburgh is a collaborative organisation bringing together researchers from across NHS Lothian, University of Edinburgh, and our partners further afield in healthcare, academia, and industry.

Annual Report 2023-24
Read our CIRG review of the year

New Fellow
Angus McCance joins CIRG

AMT abstracts all over AMR
The antimicrobial management team have had 3 abstracts published in JAC-AMR
We report annually on the Clinical Infection Research Group’s activity which goes from strength to strength.
To develop research capacity within the infection medicine specialities
To maximise synergies between the NHS and University and foster joint research between both groups
To develop and maintain a single register of Clinical Infection Research in Lothian
To identify priority areas for research, building on existing strengths and future ambitions
To provide an administrative framework to help support clinical infection research
To establish and promote the profile of the CIRG
To support junior clinician scientists in the advance of their research careers
To foster links for infection researchers within and outwith Edinburgh
To provide financial governance to allow ongoing funding for nursing and administrative support, utilizing existing NHS Lothian support structures and specialty specific capacity
Get in touch if you have any questions about our research, if you’d like to get involved with a project, or to join the volunteer register.