
Annual Reports



CIRG Annual Report 23-24


CIRG has had a diverse and productive year between August 2023-24, building relationships in academia and industry and broadening our infectious diseases research experience.

We currently have 25 active clinical studies involving 14 different PIs and sub-PIs. This year has also brought other exciting opportunities for CIRG both locally and internationally. EID partners closely with the Fleming Fund and we are further strengthening relations with EID through mentoring Fleming fellows in Africa.

Finally, we are very proud of the significant CIRG presence at the Federation of Infection Societies in Edinburgh 2023 with multiple oral and poster presentations from CIRG members.


CIRG Annual Report 2022-23


August 2022 – August 2023 has been a busy year having finally emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our portfolio continues to be dominated by COVID trials, vaccine studies, and therapeutic work of both pre-hospital and hospitalised patients.

However, we also continue to contribute to our longstanding HIV cohort studies and in addition are now involved in exciting novel immunological therapies for HIV – which may lead the way to curative therapies in the future.

We are also delighted to be part of other microbiological studies including managing necrotizing otitis externa, eradication of MRSA, and optimising management of staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia.


If you have any questions about our research, or if you’d like to get involved with CIRG, contact us.

CIRG Homepage
CIRG, Regional Infectious Diseases Unit,
Western General Hospital,
Telford Road,
Edinburgh, EH4 2JP
© Clinical Infection Research Group Edinburgh