
Dr Rebecca K Sutherland

Dr Rebecca K Sutherland

Dr Rebecca K Sutherland

Consultant in Infectious Diseases


Consultant in Infectious Diseases, NHS Lothian & Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Edinburgh University

Research Interests:

Optimising Antimicrobial Therapy for Clinical Infection
Allergy and Infection
HIV Therapeutics and Standards of Care


PI for Oral vs IV therapy for bone and joint infection (OvIVA)
PI for Oxford COVID-19 vaccine study (COV002 and COV009)
PI IONOE study
PI for RIO study


Dr Rebecca Sutherland was appointed as Consultant in Infectious Diseases in 2012 at the Western General Hospital, NHS Lothian. Prior to moving back to Edinburgh, Dr Sutherland trained in Infectious Diseases and Microbiology in Oxford and was a research fellow in vaccine immunology in the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine.

Key Publications


Efficacy of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) Vaccine Against SARS_CoV-2 VOC 202012/01 (B.1.1.7) Katherine Emary, Golubchik Y,  Aley P, Ariani C, …, Rebecca K Sutherland, …, Alexander D Douglas*, Adrian V S Hill*, Teresa Lambe*, Sarah C Gilbert*, Andrew J Pollard*, on behalf of the Oxford COVID Vaccine Trial Group† Lancet Mar 2021

Single-dose administration and the influence of the timing of the booster dose on immunogenicity and efficacy of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) vaccine: a pooled analysis of four randomised trials Merryn Voysey*, Sue Ann Costa Clemens*, Shabir A Madhi*, Lily Y Weckx*, Pedro M Folegatti*, …, Rebecca K Sutherland, …, Alexander D Douglas*, Adrian V S Hill*, Teresa Lambe*, Sarah C Gilbert*, Andrew J Pollard*, on behalf of the Oxford COVID Vaccine Trial Group† Lancet Feb 2021

Expect the unexpected- Implications for next phase of COVID-19 response Clifford S, Cevik C, Campbell R, O’Shea DSutherland R. Infect Prev Pract2021 Jun;3(2):100118. doi: 10.1016/j.infpip.2021.100118. 


Safety and efficacy of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine (AZD1222) against SARS-CoV-2: An interim analysis of randomised controlled trials in Brazil, South Africa and the United Kingdom  Merryn Voysey; Sue Ann Costa Clemens; Shabir A Madhi; Lily Yin Weckx;…; Rebecca K Sutherland;…; Andrew J Pollard,  Lancet2021 Jan 9;397(10269):99-111. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32661-1.

Outcomes, Microbiology and Antimicrobial Usage in Pressure Ulcer-Related Pelvic Osteomyelitis: Messages for Clinical Practice. Russell CD, Tsang STJ, Simpson AHRW, Sutherland RKJ Bone Jt Infect 2020; 5(2):67-75.

British HIV Association guidelines on the management of opportunistic infection in people living with HIV: The clinical management of gastrointestinal opportunistic infections 2020.Chadwick DR, Sutherland RK, Raffe S et alHIV Med. 2020; 21 Suppl 5; 1-19

An Algorithm for safe de-labelling of antibiotic allergy in adult hospital inpatients Sneddon, Jacqueline; Cooper, Lesley; Ritchie, Neil; Steele, Cathal; Spears, Mark, McEwen Jo; Dempsey,Zoey; Sutherland, Rebecca; Khatamzas, Elham; Seaton,R. Clinical and Experimental Allergy. Mar 2021. 2021 Sep;51(9):1229-1232. doi: 10.1111/cea.13878.

The index case of SARS-CoV-2 in Scotland. Hill KJ, Russell CD, Clifford S, Templeton KMackintosh CLKoch OSutherland RKJ Infect2020 Jul;81(1):147-178. doi: 10.1016/j.jinf.2020.03.022. 

A retrospective review and multi-specialty, evidence-based guideline for the management of Necrotising Otitis Externa Hopkins M, Baring D, Macsween K, Henderson N, Baring D, Sutherland R J Laryngol Otol. 2020 Jun;134(6):487-492. doi: 10.1017/S0022215120001061


Oral versus Intravenous Antibiotics for Bone and Joint Infection. Ho-Kwong Li, Ines Rombach, Rhea Zambellas, A. Sarah Walker, …, Rebecca K. Sutherland, …and Matthew Scarborough et al for the OVIVA Trial Collaborators N Engl J Med2019 Jan 31;380(5):425-436. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1710926.


Nocardia and Actinomyces. Henderson NM, Sutherland RK.  Medicine Infections Chapter. Part 3 of 3. Vol 45:12 Dec 2017


What you need to know about Whipple’s disease. Tsarfati EM, Sutherland R. British Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2016


Diagnosis and features of hospital acquired pneumonia: a retrospective cohort study CD Russell, O KochIF LaurensonDT O’SheaR SutherlandCL MackintoshJournal Hospital Infection2015 1-7

Elevation of the JVP in constrictive pericarditisSutherland R, Russell KV, Trivedi P, Richard W Smith, Conlon CP.  QJM2015 Oct;108(10):846. doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcv048. Epub 2015 Feb 19


A constricting differential- a case of severe anaemia, weight loss and pericarditis due to Tropheryma whipplei infectionSutherland R, Russell KV, Trivedi P, Warren B, Richard W Smith, Conlon CP. QJM. 2014 Nov;107(11):927-9. doi: 10.1093/qjmed/hcs041.


Improving antimicrobial prescribing: implementation of an antimicrobial iv-to-oral switch policy. Mccallum A, Sutherland RMackintosh C.  J R Coll Physicians. Edinb. 2013;43(4):294-300. doi: 10.4997/JRCPE.2013.403.

HIV-associated late seminal vesicle “BCGosis” following intravesical bacille Calmette-Guerin therapy. Eyre DW, Mankia K, Sutherland R, Turner G, Conlon C. 2013. J Clin Urol. 6:20–21.


Lessons from IAVI-006, a phase 1 clinical trail to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the pTHr.HIVA DNA and MVA.HIVA vaccines in a prime-boost strategy to induce HIV-1 specific T-cell responses in healthy volunteers. Guimaraes-Walker A, Mackie N, McCormack S, Hanke T, …, Kay R,…, Fast P; IAVI-006 Study Group Vaccine2008 Dec 2;26(51):66671-7. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2008.09.016.


Impaired IFN-gamma-secreting capacity in mycobacterial antigen-specific CD4 T cells during chronic HIV-1 infection despite long-term HAARTSutherland R, Yang H, Scriba TJ, Ondondo B, …, Dorrell L. AIDS. 2006 Apr 4;20(6):821-9. doi: 10.1097/01.aids.0000218545.31716.a4. 


A new dawn for antiretrovirals.  Sutherland RBMJ .2005; 330:371


Vaccine for specific targets: HIVKay R, Wee E.G-T, McMichael AJ. Chapter in Novel Vaccine Strategies edited by Stefan HE Kaufmann, p505-528, published 2006

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