Dr Meghan R Perry
Consultant in Infectious Diseases
Consultant in Infectious Diseases & Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Research Interests:
Antimicrobial Resistance
Urinary Tract Infections
Collaboration with DataLoch and EaveII (UoE) re COVID-19 and deprivation
Collaboration with Epigroup UoE on metagenomics of sewage as surveillance tool for AMR
“The Mould that Changed the World” musical AMR public engagement project.
Following obtaining an MBChB from Edinburgh University in 2002 Dr Perry pursued core medical training with a specific interest in infectious diseases working in hospitals in London and Edinburgh and obtaining a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene in 2006. During her specialist training post in Edinburgh in Infectious Diseases she wrote a PhD on pathogen resistance looking the interaction between arsenic exposure and resistance to antimony in the parasite Leishmania. She was appointed consultant in Infectious Diseases in 2018 and continues to pursue research interests as above.
Key Publications
Segmentation and shielding of the most vulnerable members of the population as elements of an exit strategy from COVID-19 lockdown. van Bunnik BAD, Morgan ALK, Bessell PR, Calder-Gerver G, …, Perry MR, …, Woolhouse MEJ. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 2021 doi: 10.1098/rstb.2020.0275.
Diagnostic performance of the combine nasal and throat swab in patients admitted to hospital with suspected COVID-19 Lee KK, Doudesis D, Ross D, Bularga A, …, Perry MR, Nicholas L Mills, DataLoch COVID-19 Collaboration. BMC Infect Dis 2021 doi: 10.1186/s12879-021-05976-1.
Epidemiology of and risk factors for mortality due to carbapenemase-producing organisms (CPO) in healthcare facilities Zhao S, Kennedy S, Perry MR, Wilson J,…, Lockhart M Journal of Hospital Infection 2021 110: 184-193
Risk Factors for the Presence of Carbapenem-Resistant Organisms (CROs) in Carbapenemase-producing organisms in Scotland: risk factors associated with infection and colonisation among hospitalised patients Zhao S , Perry MR, Kennedy S, Wilson J, …, Woolhouse MEJ Infect Control Hosp Epidemiology 2020 Dec 22;1-10. doi:10.1017/ice.2020.1351.
‘The Mould that Changed the World’: Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Children’s Knowledge and Intention for Behavioural Change following Participation in an Antimicrobial Resistance Musical Hall J, Jones L, Robertson G, Hiley R, Nathwani D, Perry MR. PLoS ONE 29 Oct 2020, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240471
Oxygen provision in Sub-Saharn Africa to fight COVID-19 Stein, F., Perry, M.R., Banda, G., Woolhouse, M., Mutapi, F.
BMJ Global Health. 30 Apr 2020
Staff and patient perceptions of a community urinary catheter service. Freya Oswald, Ellen Young, Fiona Denison, Rosalind Allen, Meghan R Perry. Int J Urol Nurs. 2020 Jul; 14(2): 83–91.
Exposure to pigs and health outcomes in hospitalised infectious disease patients in Vietnam Gail Robertson, Meghan R. Perry, Phat Voong Vinh, Dung Tran Thi Ngoc, …, Mark Woolhouse, on behalf of the VIZIONS consortium. Ecohealth 2020 Mar;17(1):28-40
Global disease burden due to antibiotic resistance – state of the evidence Mark Woolhouse, Catriona Waugh, Meghan R. Perry, Harish Nair. J Glob Health 2016 Jun;6(1):010306
Arsenic exposure and outcomes of antimonial treatment in visceral leishmaniasis patients in Bihar, India. A retrospective cohort study. Meghan R. Perry, Vijay K Prajapati, Joris Menten, Andrea Raab, …, Albert Picado. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2015 Mar 2;9(3):e0003518.
Chronic arsenic exposure and clinical resistance to antimonial drugs in visceral leishmaniasis: proof of concept in mouse model. Meghan R. Perry, Susan Wyllie, Andrea Raab, Joerg Feldmann, Alan H. Fairlamb
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Dec 3;110(49):19932-7
Chronic arsenic exposure and clinical resistance to antimonial drugs in visceral leishmaniasis: proof of concept in mouse model. Meghan R. Perry, Susan Wyllie, Andrea Raab, Joerg Feldmann, Alan H. Fairlamb
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Dec 3;110(49):19932-7
The R enantiomer of the anti-tubercular drug PA-824 as a potential oral treatment for visceral leishmaniasis
Stephen Patterson, Susan Wyllie, Laste Stojanovski, Meghan R. Perry,…, and Alan H. Fairlamb. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013 Oct;57(10):4699-706
HIV testing – getting the message across: a survey of knowledge, attitudes and practice amongst non-HIV specialist physicians Ewan Hunter*, Meghan R. Perry*, Clifford Leen, Nikhil Premchand
Postgrad Med J. 2012 Feb;88(1036):59-65. *Joint first author
Visceral leishmaniasis and arsenic: an ancient poison contributing to antimonial treatment failure in the Indian Subcontinent? Meghan R. Perry, Susan Wyllie, Vijay Kumar Prajapati, Joerg Feldmann, …, Alan H. Fairlamb PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011 Sep;5(9):e1227
Cytokine Storm in a Phase 1 Trial of the Anti CD-28 Monoclonal Antibody Ganesh Suntharalingam, Meghan R Perry, Stephen Ward, Stephen J. Brett, …, Nicki Panoskaltsis N Engl J Med. 2006 Sep 7;355(10) :1018-28.