
Dr Kate Templeton

Dr Kate Templeton

Dr Kate Templeton

Consultant Clinical Scientist


Consultant Clinical Scientist, RIE and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology

Research Interests:

Molecular Epidemiology
Paediatric Medicine
Critical Care
Blood Borne Viruses
Sexual Health


Dr. Templeton did her undergraduate study at Edinburgh University, doing a final year honours project with Dr Maurice Gallagher. Thereafter she trained as a clinical scientist at Barts and the London, and worked towards FRCPath examination under supervision of Professor Don Jeffries. In 2000 she moved to Leiden University Medical Centre to obtain her PhD and carried out further postgraduate study under supervision of Professor Herman Goossens and Professor Louis Kroes. She returned to Edinburgh in 2005 and now delivers the clinical virology service in Edinburgh alongside three medical consultants.

Her particular interests and clinical collaborations are in paediatric medicine, obstetrics, critical care, blood borne viruses and sexual health.

Her main focus is on clinically useful molecular diagnostics and molecular epidemiology and has several current research grants as well as collaborations with diagnostic companies on developing new molecular assays for diagnosis across pathology. She has previously worked on EU project in Leiden the Netherlands for 5 years. In 2006 she was awarded the Abbott Diagnostic prize from European Society for Virology (ESCV) for her original contributions in the area of viral diagnosis.

Outside professional life, she is former international rower and was a member of the British Olympic team in 1995-6.

Key Publications


Adaptive evolution of Staphylococcus aureus during chronic endobronchial infection of a cystic fibrosis patient. McAdam PR, Holmes A, Templeton KE, Fitzgerald JR. PLoS One2011;6:e24301. Epub 2011 Sep 2.

Disease burden of the most commonly detected respiratory viruses in hospitalized patients calculated using the disability adjusted life year (DALY) model. Gaunt ER, Harvala H, McIntyre C, Templeton KE, Simmonds P. J Clin Virol2011;52:215-21.

Influenza A(H1N1)2009 antibody seroprevalence in Scotland following the 2010/11 influenza season. Adamson WE, McGregor EC, Kavanagh K, McMenamin J, …Templeton KE,… Carman WF. Euro Surveill2011;16:19871.

Rapid simultaneous detection of enterovirus and parechovirus RNAs in clinical samples by one-step real-time reverse transcription-PCR assay. Bennett S, Harvala H, Witteveldt J, McWilliam Leitch EC,…Templeton K,… Simmonds P.J Clin Microbiol2011 ;49:2620-4.

Comparison of human parechovirus and enterovirus detection frequencies in cerebrospinal fluid samples collected over a 5-year period in edinburgh: HPeV type 3 identified as the most common picornavirus type. Harvala H, McLeish N, Kondracka J, McIntyre CL, McWilliam Leitch EC, Templeton K, Simmonds P. J Med Virol2011;83:889-96. doi: 10.1002/jmv.22023.

Molecular epidemiology and evolution of human respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus. Gaunt ER, Jansen RR, Poovorawan Y, Templeton KE, Toms GL, Simmonds P. PLoS One2011 Mar 1;6(3):e17427.

Rapid testing for respiratory syncytial virus in a paediatric emergency department: benefits for infection control and bed management. Mills JM, Harper J, Broomfield D, Templeton KEJ Hosp Infect2011;77(3):248-51. Epub 2011 Jan 31.

Real-time evaluation of an optimized real-time PCR assay versus Brilliance chromogenic MRSA agar for the detection of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from clinical specimens. Danial J, Noel M, Templeton KE, Cameron F, Mathewson F, Smith M, Cepeda JA. J Med Microbiol. 2011 Mar;60(Pt 3):323-8.

CIRG Homepage
CIRG, Regional Infectious Diseases Unit,
Western General Hospital,
Telford Road,
Edinburgh, EH4 2JP
© Clinical Infection Research Group Edinburgh