
Dr Dan Clutterbuck

Dr Dan Clutterbuck

Dr Dan Clutterbuck

Consultant in Genitourinary & HIV Medicine


Consultant in Genitourinary & HIV medicine

Research Interests:

Biomedical HIV and STI prevention in GBMSM
HIV Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)


Discover: International Randomised Controlled Trial of HIV PrEP (subinvestigator)

Optimising services for people at highest risk of HIV: developing best practice in delivering HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) through evaluation of early implementation across Scotland. (PI: CS Estcourt) Chief Scientist Office Research Grant, HIPS/17/47, 1.6.18-31.5.20, £295,687.

The clinical effectiveness of behaviour change interventions to reduce risky sexual behaviour after a negative HIV test in men who have sex with men (MSM): a systematic review. NIHR HTA Project: 13/77/03, £126,865.


Dr Dan Clutterbuck qualified in medicine in Liverpool in 1992 and trained in general medicine in Edinburgh followed by general practice in the Scottish Borders. He subsequently completed specialist training in genitourinary & HIV medicine in 2002. He is currently Clinical lead for sexual and reproductive health, NHS Lothian and Clinical lead for HIV at the Chalmers Centre, Edinburgh. He has a particular interest in HIV prevention and the integration of services for MSM into generic sexual health services. He has published research into drug use, sexual behaviour, PreP uptake and HIV testing. He is Current Chair of Scottish Health Protection Network HIV Clinical Leads and is co-author of a number UK guidelines and standards including those on HIV care, PrEP and HIV Testing. He is lead author of BASHH/BHIVA guidelines on safer sex and on sexual health care of men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM).

Key Publications


British HIV Association/British Association for Sexual Health and HIV/British Infection Association adult HIV testing guidelines 2020. Palfreeman A, Sullivan A, Rayment M, Waters L, Buckley A,…, Clutterbuck D, …, Peto T. HIV Med2020 Dec;21 Suppl 6:1-26. doi: 10.1111/hiv.13015.


Demand for pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV and the impact on clinical services: Scottish men who have sex with men perspectives. Gilson RI, Clutterbuck DJ, Chen ZE. Int J STD AIDS. 2018 Mar;29(3):273-277. doi: 10.1177/0956462417723817.

Learning from guidelines on the sexual healthcare of men who have sex with menClutterbuck DInt J STD AIDS. 2018 Mar;29(3):298-299. doi: 10.1177/095646241774898.

2016 United Kingdom national guideline on the sexual health care of men who have sex with menClutterbuck D, Asboe D, Barber T, Emerson C, Field N, Gibson S, Hughes G, Jones R, Murchie M, Nori AV, Rayment M, Sullivan A.  Int J STD AIDS2018 Jan 1:956462417746897. doi: 10.1177/0956462417746897. 

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