Anne Saunderson
Senior Research Nurse
Senior Research Nurse
Research Interests:
Infectious diseases
Having trained as an RGN at North Lothian College, Edinburgh, fulfilling a staff nurse post and completing midwifery training at Foresterhill College, Aberdeen, Anne has spent a varied career working in the UK and overseas within the NHS, private, and charitable sector, before completing a Bsc in Nursing with Health Studies at Napier University.
Anne’s research interest began in the ED at RIE in 2006, followed by many years in fertility research with Prof Anderson. In 2015 she undertook a deployment to West Africa, working with a team from Oxford University on a clinical trial treatment for Ebola Virus Disease. Going forward, Anne then worked with this team for Covid trials during the pandemic leading her to join the (then) newly set up Covid-19 Research Group. This joined the RIDU Research Team & thus Anne migrated to CIRG.
Key Publications
Efficacy of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 (AZD1222) Vaccine Against SARS_CoV-2 VOC 202012/01 (B.1.1.7) Katherine Emary, Golubchik Y, Aley P, Ariani C, …, Rebecca K Sutherland, …, Alexander D Douglas*, Adrian V S Hill*, Teresa Lambe*, Sarah C Gilbert*, Andrew J Pollard*, on behalf of the Oxford COVID Vaccine Trial Group† Lancet Mar 2021
Experimental Treatment of Ebola Virus Disease with TKM-130803: A Single Arm Phase 2 Clinical Trial. Dunning J, Sahr F….RAPIDE-TKM trial team PLoS Med 2016
A multicentre randomised controlled trial of the use of continuous positive airway pressure and non-invasive positive pressure ventilation in the early treatment of patients presenting to the emergency department with severe acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema: the 3CPO trial. Gray AJ, Goodacre S, Newby DE, Masson MA, Sampson F, Dixon S, et al. Health Technol Assess 2009;13(33).