
AMT abstracts all over AMR

JAC AMR Publication

AMT abstracts all over AMR

The antimicrobial management team have had 3 abstracts published in JAC-AMR

The RIDU antimicrobial management team have recently had 3 abstracts published in JAC-AMR, in Volume 6, Issue Supplement_2, August 2024.

All abstracts review and aim to guide and improve clinical practice in some way. Antimicrobial medicine, an aspect of modern medicine that healthcare relies on, is threatened by the emergence and spread of drug-resistant pathogens.

With antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on the rise, alongside it’s associated and subsequent complications, there grows the importance for managing AMR both locally and globally, & the importance of such research and clinical considerations. Read more on the impact of AMR on the World Health Organisation’s website: Antimicrobial resistance (who.int)

The abstracts:

Well done to all those involved!

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