
Eczema, Hand and Foot

Hand and foot eczema is often multi-factorial. Causes include atopic eczema, irritant dermatitis or allergic contact dermatitis. It can be itchy and may be vesicular, bullous or hyperkeratotic. Fissures may be evident.

Pompholyx is a specific type of eczema that causes intensely itchy vesicles and/or blisters on the palms and sides of fingers and/or on the soles of the feet.

A good history helps to determine what the underlying cause may be.

Shoe contact dermatitis- Search DermNet | DermNet (dermnetnz.org)Atopic hand dermatitis – Search DermNet | DermNet (dermnetnz.org)Pomphylox – Search DermNet | DermNet (dermnetnz.org)

R.C 18-05-23

Dermatology Referral Criteria

  • Poor response to continuing potent or very potent topical steroids.
  • Recurrent secondary infection.
  • Clinical history of occupational exacerbations where there is likely to be frequent exposure to detergents, fragrances and chemicals.
  • Suspicion of contact allergy, which may be occupational or hobby related (for consideration of patch testing).
  • Impact on quality of life at work or at home.

Therapeutic Tips

  • Attention to good hand care includes the use of protective gloves, and avoidance of irritants such as soap, shampoos and detergents.
  • Patients should be encouraged to use a suitable emollient as often as possible and to have emollients both at home and work.
  • Prescribe adequate quantities of emollients, soap substitutes (+/− antiseptics) Patients may need up to 500g emollient per week on a repeat prescription. Consider ointment based emollients (under cotton gloves if tolerated) in the evening. Remember to warn patients about potential fire hazard of emollients, especially if they smoke.


  • Consider underlying cause or predisposing factors including atopy / profession / hobbies.
  • Consider differential diagnoses such as: psoriasis, fungal infection, palmar plantar pustulosis
  • Assess, swab and treat any secondary bacterial infection.
  • Mycology skin scraping for tinea, particularly if unilateral changes or one hand and both feet affected.
  • Avoid irritants.
  • Soap substitute  – lotion, cream or ointment  depending on patient preference.
  • Apply emollients frequently throughout the day and recommend ointment emollient under cotton gloves at night.
  • Potent / very potent topical steroids (step down potency or frequency of application for continued maintenance if required)
  • If weeping/ severe blistering soak hands/ feet in 1:10,000 solution of potassium permanganate for 10 mins (potassium permanganate solution tablets 400mg 1 tablet dissolved in 4 litres of water). Warn patients nails may stain brown. Warn patients NOT TO DRINK  the solution.
  • Salicylic acid containing ointments can be useful in hyperkeratotic eczema.
  • Fludroxycortide tape to fissures.